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The largest outdoor art collection in London is located at Canary Wharf


Updated: Aug 30, 2023

There's something special about Canary Wharf (Canary Wharf), where the tallest skyscrapers in London are gathered. It has the largest outdoor art collection in the city!

A district with approximately 100,000 white-collar workers, this is also considered to be the financial center of the city. There are major banks, global companies, and media organizations in the district.

Canary Wharf

In Canary Wharf, you'll find over 100 pieces of art! There's no doubt that exploring the free art in this city is one of the best things to do.

How Do I Start Exploring?

The art trail map is on Canary Wharf's site. Also, there are answers to all the questions, like which artist did what and when.

"Tandem Lovers" Gillie & Marc, 2020

Before you come to Canary Wharf, here's what you need to know

It's on the way to Greenwich. Don't forget to stop by if you're in Greenwich.

If you're coming here specifically, let me tell you right away that it's a bit opposite to the touristic part of London in terms of location. Transport is easy here, like everywhere else. It's even on the Elizabeth Line, the city's newest line.

Spend at least two hours seeing all the works.

There are a lot of tall buildings in Canary Wharf, so it has a windy climate. Because of that, I recommend wearing thicker and more comfortable clothes when exploring :)

"Couple on Seat" Lynn Chadwick, 2007


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